The Oakfield Public Library is dedicated to providing a welcoming and safe environment for people of all ages.

Children age 7 and under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or responsible caregiver when visiting the library. Children ages 8 and older are welcome to use the library appropriately on their own.

When concerns arise about a child left unsupervised, library staff will attempt to contact a parent or caregiver. If a parent or caregiver cannot be reached within a reasonable amount of time or if the library is closing, staff may contact the Oakfield Police Dept. to ensure the child’s well-being and may turn the child over to the police. All minors should have the contact information of someone who can assist them in an emergency.

The responsibility for the safety and behavior of children of any age whether inside the library building or on library grounds rests with the parent/caregiver and not with the library personnel. Library employees cannot be responsible for children who are unattended or demonstrating inappropriate behavior.

Inappropriate behavior includes any activity that disturbs others, interferes with library operations, damages the building or its furnishings, as well as rudeness, profanity, and any other behavior generally considered unacceptable in a public place, including but not limited to:

  • any illegal activity,
  • being in a state of intoxication,
  • using tobacco products or illegal drugs,
  • engaging in loud conversation or rowdy behavior
  • fighting, bullying, stalking or harassment of customers or staff,
  • throwing of stones or other missiles such as snowballs at any person, or at, in or into the building,
  • loitering (lingering in an area without a library related purpose) or obstruction of entryways and passageways, patrons age 15 and under are limited to one hour per day in the library
  • frequently entering and leaving the library within a short period of time
  • theft, damage, or misuse of library property, library materials or personal belongings,
  • entering the library with a pet or animal, except for assistance animals or animals that are part of an official program,
  • interfering with the use of the library by other patrons or by interfering with library employee’s performance of their duties,
  • entering an unauthorized area without permission, remaining in the library after closing or when requested to leave,
  • entering the building without a shirt or footwear,
  • violating internet and computer use policies,
  • personal hygiene that materially disrupts others from using library facilities, collections, or services.

A warning will generally be given for inappropriate behavior. If the behavior continues, or if the behavior is particularly obnoxious, disruptive, or dangerous, the offender will be asked to leave the library. Library employees may contact the Oakfield Police Department if deemed advisable.

If library privileges are suspended for more than one day, written notice will be issued to the patron (parent in the case of a minor), library board, and to the police department regarding the terms of the suspension or banishment. Any patron whose library privileges have been denied, may have the decision reviewed by the Board of Trustees at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

Approved by the Oakfield Public Library Board – April 2013
Revised and approved by the Oakfield Public Library Board – February 16, 2016
Revised & approved by the Oakfield Public Library Board– September 21, 2016