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Explore these diverse offerings, including captivating books, multimedia resources, and much more. Whether you’re into fiction, non-fiction, or the latest in technology, there’s something for everyone. Visit us today to borrow these fantastic additions and enhance your reading and learning experience!
Someone like you [DVD]
Wicked [DVD]
Battle mountain
Close your eyes and count to 10
Famous last words : a novel
Hold strong : a novel
I Died for Beauty
Playing Mr. Perfect
The Bones Beneath My Skin
We all live here
ABC's of spring
Baby animals
Beep! Beep! Vehicles on the go
Big trucks little pups
Day in the Forest
Pokâemon battle buddies
Taylor Swift : superstar!
What's cooking?
Green eggs and ham take a hike
Once upon a Tim
Sophie. Frankenstein's hound
Tales of Newel & Doren; the gorgon's fury
The labyrinth of doom
The sea of terror
Will's race for home : a western
Peg Gets Plucky
Big Bike, Little Bike
Little Freddie Two Pants : The Dog With Too Many Pants
Me and other bunnies
The hare who wouldn't share
Serial Burn
Last twilight in Paris
A forty year kiss : a novel
A killing cold
A new lease on death : a mystery
Black woods, blue sky : a novel
Bonded in death
Dream Girl Drama
How to get a life in ten dates : a novel
Midnight black
Pro bono
The crash
The queens of crime : a novel